

All About Hydration

According to the Harvard School of Puyblic Health, drinking enough water each day is crucial for many reasons:

  • to regulate body temperature

  • to keep joints lubricated

  • prevent infections

  • deliver nutrients to cells

  • keep organs functioning properly

  • improves sleep quality, cognition and mood

Water is essential to our bodies. Our bodies don't work properly unless we drink enough water. Additionally, water will help you stay regular. It is common to become constipated if you don't drink enough.

Water will ehlp your joints work better. A large part of joint cartilage is made up of water, so drinking enough water will help your cartilage absorb shock. It will also make bone agaisnt bone movements smoother.

Water will help you sweat and help cool your body down! Water helps your kidneys to stay healthy. It helps remove waste from your blood to prevent the kidneys from getting clogged. Lack of water can lead to kidney stones and urinary infections.

Drinking water helps to keep your brain sharp! It also helps your heart to work better. Even mild dehydration affects yhour blood vessels as negatively as smoking does. So make sure to drink an extra glass each day to stay healthy and keep your heart pumping strong.